Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Stoxblog portfolio changes

Based on valuation concerns, I have placed a sell order for my original stake in Apple (leaving the gains invested), and I have sold half my original stake in eBay (leaving the second half of the money plus the gains invested). I have also decided to cut my losses on JetBlue, InteractiveCorp/IACI, and Nokia. The trade should take place at 2 P.M. Eastern time today (February 9th). Once I have reinvested this money (see below), I'll update my holdings lists in a new post.

I intend to place this money in a somewhat more conservative mix of securities, possibly increasing my stake in the Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust (BPT) and/or in bond ETFs (most likely TLT/TIP). I'm also considering putting some of the money into Netflix and/or Google (I'm still bitten by the tech bug and I'm still young). Emerging market ETFs are also on my radar (specifically EEM). Despite this, I'm bearish on the U.S. securities market in general.

EDIT: I'm also looking at the GoldTracks trust (GLD), but I'm inclined to wait and see if Gold goes below $400 an ounce before investing. I think the dollar is heading up in the near term (next 2 or 3 months), but the deficit seems too large for the dollar to hold its strength for very long.


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